BARRY CUP: Worth Its Weight In Gold
The barry cup continues its strong run as the premier sporting event for amateurs in the region where it draws massive support from the growing golf fraternity. Apart from the finesse exhibited in the field by the select handicappers during the championship, it has also emerged as a gem of socialization and the festive camaderie that pervades the ocean facing club is usually the premium outing for the regional and upcountrytourists.
Plans are underway to include the scenic Mombasa Golf Club in the tourist itineraries of the high number of foreign tourists who flock the town due its prominent location on the Mama Ngina Drive promenade.
The Barry Cup is the oldest Golf trophy competed for in the Coast having first been donated to the Mombasa golf Club in 1913. The donor Mr. Percy Barry was not only a founder member of the Club but was the first Honorary Treasurer and Captain a whopping four times.
Plans are underway to include the scenic Mombasa Golf Club in the tourist itineraries of the high number of foreign tourists who flock the town due its prominent location on the Mama Ngina Drive promenade.
The Barry Cup is the oldest Golf trophy competed for in the Coast having first been donated to the Mombasa golf Club in 1913. The donor Mr. Percy Barry was not only a founder member of the Club but was the first Honorary Treasurer and Captain a whopping four times.
Captain a whopping four times. For this exemplary service he was elected an Honorary Life Member.
Mr. Barry was a golfer of no mean repute and won the first Barry Cup competition when it was played during the Christmas season of the same year.
Originally it was intended that if any competitor won the trophy three times in a row then trophy would become that winner's property.
However, when Mr.A.J.Boland achieved the feat after swimming in 1932, 1933, and 1934, the Club Committee recommended thta the trophy be held in perpetulity as a Challenge Scratch Trophy to commemorate Mr. Barry soutstanding service to the club.
The Barry Cup has been played under the aegies of the Kenya Golf Union since 1928 but only two local coast based golfers have won in the past 40years.
In 1967 Dr.R.A Davidson(Dr.Bob) won and was not until 2004 that Mr.Musa Odada repeated the feat beating a strong slate of upcountry golfers from East Africa.
Originally it was intended that if any competitor won the trophy three times in a row then trophy would become that winner's property.
However, when Mr.A.J.Boland achieved the feat after swimming in 1932, 1933, and 1934, the Club Committee recommended thta the trophy be held in perpetulity as a Challenge Scratch Trophy to commemorate Mr. Barry soutstanding service to the club.
The Barry Cup has been played under the aegies of the Kenya Golf Union since 1928 but only two local coast based golfers have won in the past 40years.
In 1967 Dr.R.A Davidson(Dr.Bob) won and was not until 2004 that Mr.Musa Odada repeated the feat beating a strong slate of upcountry golfers from East Africa.
The Barry Cup Past Winners
- 1913 P. Barry
- 1914 J.L. Allen
- 1915 J.L. Allen
- 1916 W.P. Willes
- 1917 R.Cook
- 1918 R.Jess
- 1919 G.H. Pickering
- 1920 W.Allan
- 1921 G.H. Pickering
- 1922 T.K. Allen
- 1923 R.H.M. Oliphant
- 1924 R.S. Campbell
- 1925 R. Cruickshank
- 1926 E.G.Bale
- 1927 H.A. Markus
- 1928 H.A. Markus
- 1929 R.Forrest
- 1930 A.Holden
- 1931 H.A.Markus
- 1932 A.J.Boland
- 1933 A.J.Boland
- 1934 A.J.Boland
- 1935 H.V.Anderson
- 1936 H.V.Anderson
- 1937 S.Bloomberg
- 1938 R.W.Burt
- 1939 R.W.Burt
- 1940-1945 not played
- 1946 S.A.Galloway
- 1947 J.Schlaphoff
- 1948 A.Holden
- 1949 T.W.Cadell
- 1962 A.Martindale
- 1963 J.Dunglinson
- 1964 R.J.E.Mayers
- 1965 R.A.Nicholas
- 1966 M.J.Humphreys
- 1967 R.A.Davidson
- 1968 R.A.Bird
- 1969 R.J.E.Mayers
- 1970 R.J.E.Mayers
- 1971 B.Marjan
- 1972 S.Omar
- 1973 R.J.E.Mayers
- 1974 S.Omar
- 1975 J.Mucheru
- 1976 J.Mucheru
- 1977 C.Nevill
- 1978 J.Mucheru
- 1979 J.Mucheru
- 1980 C.Nevill
- 1981 J.Mucheru
- 1982 P.Chapman
- 1983 G.Ndegwa
- 1984 D.Raffar
- 1985 J.Kingori
- 1986 H.Rajab
- 1987 P.Githua
- 1988 J.Mucheru
- 1989 J.Mucheru
- 1990 D.Wandua
- 1991 J.Mucheru
- 1992 D.Wandua
- 1993 M.Kiburu
- 1994 R.Brown
- 1995 H.Thety
- 1996 H.Thety
- 1997 C.Thety
- 1998 N.Patel
- 1999 R.Ainley
- 2000 A.Shah
- 2001 P.Gitwa
- 2002 D.Othiambo
- 2003 K.Timbe
- 2004 M.Odada
- 2005 N.Mudanyi
- 2006 N.Rokoine
- 2007 G.Snow
- 2008 B.Nyenza
- 2009 S.Muthugia
- 2010 S. MUTHUGIA
- 2011 D. OPATI
- 2012 D. OPATI
- 2013 D. NDUVA
- 2016 F. KIMANI
- 2017 M. KISIA
- 2018 G.FELIX
- 2019 S.NJOGU